
Cutsie Patches

A couple of weeks ago, Makinley brought me a pair of her jeans that had a hole in the knee.  I thought it was about time to try my hand at making patches.  A friend of mine made some really cute flower patches for her daughter's jeans.  They were way cute.  So on Makinley's I made a star.

Then Kennidy brought me some of her holey jeans yesterday and asked, 'Can you make a star patch for me?' There was only one problem. Her hole was twice the size of Makinley's.  So I got out my scrapbook patterns and found a cute 'Lazy Susan' flower. I copied it large enough to fit over the hole and then found some scrap fabric. Jenni let me borrow some really pink thread and this is how it turned out. I love it. And so does Kennidy. 

I thought briefly about putting a stem all the way to the bottom so there would be no mistake about what it was but decided against it. Then Kennidy said, 'It looks like a really funky space ship!' Whatever.


The Seaquist Family said...

Brilliant. And what do you do on your boys jeans. I need ideas because we are abundant with holes around here. For some reason always the left knee. Bizarre.

Lisa said...

What a cute idea!!!