Oh how I love to use Mod Podge! This stuff is the best! So I purchased a plain white paper mache mailbox at Wal-Mart (super cheap) and 4 pieces of 12x12 patterned paper. I mod podged the mailbox and applied the paper. Then I mod podged over the paper. I then used my Silhouette for our family name in white vinyl. I love this new, fun decoration. I told my husband that all valentine gifts need to fit in this mailbox. Unless they are flowers.
TOTALLY stealing this one!!!
So cute. Every year I think about cute Valentine's mailboxes. We made them every year in elementary school from a paper milk carton - 1/2 gallon, and every year I think "I am going to make those with my boys" and every year I manage to get them to finally address their valentines. Guess they aren't into crafts. Maybe Ava?
How do you find the time? I miss you, and I think I have your wrong e-mail address. Sorry I missed the last girl's night when you were here.
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